The end of 2nd half of Denmark

in Venice



I have not updated my blog for a long time. Now updated!
I have been in Denmark for almost 8 months.

At fast about my recent state and 2nd about the language and English for me and Japanese are going to go in this blog.

夏の間はトビアスとトリーナが休暇のため窯の火を消すため、違う滞在先を探す必要がありました。幸運な事に他の町Hundestedにあるアンドリューとナンナの工房に2ヶ月間ほど滞在させてもらう事ができました。彼らは安曇野アートヒルズにも作品を卸しています。その後ボーンホルム島へ行きました。そこでRoyal Danish Academy of Fine Art(以降KADK)主催のヨーロピアン グラス コンテクストというコンペや展示を兼ねたお祭りをみてきました。さらにミュンヘン、ヴェネチアと旅をし、9月の終わり頃にエーベルトフトのトビアスとトリーナの工房に戻ってきました。


About my recent state.
Fortunately, I was able to stay Nanna and Andrew's studio in Hundested during the summer time for about 2 months. Because Tobias and Trine turned off the furnace then. So I had to find another place.  It was great for me to experience to work another glass studio in Denmark. Especially making productions and also making the music events. Thanks a lots Nanna and Andrew!
And then I went to Bornholm to observe the Royal Danish Academy of Fine art and European glass context 2016. And next, I traveled to Munich and Venice. Finally I backed to Ebeltoft the end of September.
Then my 2nd half of Ebeltoft started. My new share mate is Canadian girl. She has a lot of good skills and experiences although she is 22 years old. She experienced a lots in Seattle,Tacoma and Pilchuck etc...where are famous glass place in USA. And she has good strong mental as well. I am being able to learn many things from her. I would like to appreciate her. It was surprising for me to get Canadian and American culture in Denmark:D

Nanna & Andrew's studio

in Venice

in Venice

in Venice



そして交渉の結果、学校側のアレンジによりArtist in residence(ゲスト作家として滞在し学校の機材を使って自分の制作ができる制度)としての滞在許可を得る事ができました!期間は2月からまずは6月まで、更に学校側と僕の双方が必要と感じた場合、最長1月までの滞在が出来ることになりました。1年間滞在できるのです!

And next my stage.
I am going to go to Royal Danish Academy of Fine art, Design of ceramic and glass(KADK) as Artist in residence which is like a guest artist be able to make own works during staying in the school from February to June(maximum January). But It is really hard to get permission which is called VISA to stay in Denmark. I have not gotten it yet. It might be impossible to get it..... Because I am not a student, a worker and also a internship. So there is no VISA to fit for me.
But somehow I would like to go there!! I am trying to get it now.

I would like to go there. Because I would like to stay in Denmark more. Japanese design and culture are similar to Danish these. And I met many great young glass artist who are in KADK or was in KADK. I am so interested. To make my works in these environment surely makes me growing up.
So I went to KADK to ask if it is possible to go into there as a student for 1 year in September.

European glass context

KADK in Bornholm

in Bornholm

このArtist in residence にピッタリと該当するVISAが存在しません。VISA取得に関しては夏明け頃から毎日のように調べていますがなかなか難しい。デンマーク移民局の対応の遅さは有名です。また、学校側と申請者の双方で申請書に記入しなければいけないシステムです。
最近、Guest Resarcher というVISAが少し僕の状況に当てはまると分かる所まできました。学校側の承認と協力を得る事ができれば晴れて申請の準備へと向かうことができます。学校側は前例が無いこともあり、当然リスクと手間をかけたくないのでかなり非協力的です。そして、、、すでに12月。。


The school arranged me that I can stay there as an Artist in residence instead of a student. Thanks a lots! But....

I have not gotten VISA from Danish immigration. I have prepared to get it a lots since summer. Danish immigration is generally very very slow and unkind. I am feeling it is really hard to live in abroad.

I should do my best!
Nobody knows the next.
I just do my best!!

in south of Germany

in Munich


Anyway, I wonder people sometimes is wondering that how am I doing communication.
Of course, I can not speak Danish now. haha
When I join the party, people normally speak in Danish. And I am continue to drink drink drink... And then people worry about me because of Japanese is not strong to drink.
But almost Danish people can speak English. I always use in English with them.
Actually my English is still....... so every day is training in English.


I am often feeling that language is very interesting and difficult. I was very happy even to be able to communicate a tiny bit when I traveled to 5 countries last year. But people is avaricious. I want to talk about various things more deeply now. Not to think too much, feel to speak. It is like glass blowing.

I really wonder why English is very difficult for Japanese?haha
People say great to be able to speak English in Japan. Actually to speak English is general things out of Japan. It is not special. On the other hand, not to be able to speak English is strange.

in Aarhus





また日本語の発音の仕方と英語の発音の仕方は全く違います。日本人の持っていない音が英語には沢山あります。V, th, A(ae), Rサウンドなどです。これはデンマーク語やドイツ語に対してはもっと言える事です。日本語の発音はとてもはっきりとした音で出来上がっているように感じます。

I think the reason why Japanese can not speak has some causes.

One is Japanese education.
Japanese generally study in English for 6 years in the school. But it is the education to pass the exam to enter the university, not to communicate with people.

Two is Japanese economy.
Japanese economy is huge although it is going down compare with before. We don't have to speak English to live in Japan. I think it is similar to the country side of France and Germany. (But people who is living in big city and young generation can speak English)

Three is Japanese temperament.
Japanese is generally very shy and thorough. And we like the things make unclear. We don't want to make mistakes. These make us hesitate to speak English.

And Japanese pronunciation is completely different from English. We don't have some sounds. For example, V, th, A(ae), R sound etc.. Japanese pronunciation consist of clear sounds.

We made many huge bowls



Japan is one of peculiar country. Japanese who is living in Japan is almost 100% pure Japanese. You could not generally see people came from abroad(but Chinese is getting to increase). It is totally deferent from Europe and America. I think it is a unique culture. As a matter of course Japanese has unique thinking and feeling.

Japanese has good point. These are politeness, methodicalness and to be able to read between the lines. These sometimes is obstruction to live abroad. But we shouldn't change our character and it is natural to accept it. And the speaking of people who have politeness especially Japanese and Danish let me feel very mild and warm. not too strong.
Any way You can see Japanese cars and home electronics every countries. I proud of Japan when I see the Japanese products.

in Munich




Japanese good point could be the cause which we cannot speak English. But we have enough original charm. If we managed to get the communication tool, our world must be growing and it could be interesting.

Many many people speak English in the world although English is American and English language. There are a lots of sense of values and informations out of Japan. To speak English is important skill to get these things directly not only on the screen.

I wrote a long text... anyway I still need to train to speak English more. Don't think too much.

Don't think, feel!! by Tobias (about turning the blow pipe)




Any way, So...

I would like to train to make glass and English in Denmark more more more!!

And also I would like to train my mentality as well. Yes!!

in Ebeltoft



I really would like to say thank you very much to people who help me and my present environments.
Don't forget I am always challenger and the spirits of gratitude to everything. Body is connected to sprit. I will go honesty.

I am going to back to Japan the end of December.
See you in Japan!